We have a group of prayer warriors who have committed to pray for urgent prayer requests. Let us know your prayer need using the form below:
We want to be a caring community, just as Jesus showed compassion to those in need. Complete the form below so we can help in your time of need.
We are planning to refresh the Prayer Chain to make it more accessible for anyone to submit prayer requests as well as to ensure urgent prayers are received and prayed for by a committed group.
Check for updates to this page so that we can add you to the newly refreshed prayer chain.
We are planning to reinstate prayer ministry after the 10am Sunday service. Check for updates to this page to register your interest in serving through Prayer Ministry on Sunday mornings.
Prayer Group
Prayer Group meets weekly on Friday mornings at 9.30am in the Bingham Room (entry via the car park).
The group provides spiritual and social support, praying for needs and often going to a local café afterwards.
Christian Meditation Group is held in the lounge on Monday’s at 4pm..
The aim is to bring the distracted mind to silence and stillness in an opportunity to be restored and renewed both spiritually and physically.
See contact details below.